
Tree Library Botaniq Trees+Plants

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Tree Library Botaniq Trees+Plants

212 ratings


botaniq is a library of optimized & realistic 3D vegetation. It features a variety of Trees, Palms, Succulents, Shrubs, Plants, and Pots for Architectural Visualization, Environmental Design, Rendering Forests, Landscaping, and other scenes that could use a bit of varied greenery.

We also plan to add new features like different detail levels and tree painting - all based on requests and feedback.

Official documentation for the addon and more here.

How to install

How to update

2024/01/11: botaniq 7.0.0 Converted botaniq from a standalone addon to an asset pack that can be used with engon and/or blender native asset browser. Ported vine system to geometry nodes, improved functionality. Added 111 assets (including variants) and 4 scatter presets. Added bq_ prefix to all blends, datablocks and textures to avoid name collisions. Unified naming to always use botaniq latin names. Renamed pots incorrectly classified as vases. Bugfixes: scale of corals Aplysina fistularis and the tree Robina pseudoaccacia E, origin of various models, branch geometry of Populus Tremuloises, wrong material assigned to leaves of Larix Decidua C winter, material of Fern A, incorrect UV map in wind animation data.

The library is always expanding, with more trees & greenery joining the collection. Its price will rise slightly as it expands, but our goal will always stay the same - to create a massive library of models for everyone to use, with a very reasonable price/value ratio.

We have added features like wind animation, seasonal variations, scattering grass, flowers, plants, tropical trees, succulents, garden assets, ivy assets, and ivy draw. Lots of our products are based on requests and feedback, so feel free to reach out to us on our Discord channel.

botaniq Variants

engon Features

Real-Time Modifications

Gone are the days of repeatedly clicking buttons for every adjustment. Now, you can make real-time modifications on linked assets, effortlessly bringing your vision to life.

All of the adjustments work regardless of whether the assets are linked or not. That way you do not have to compromise performance to customize assets. We keep improving them.

Particle System

Adjustments also work on particle systems. Make sure the target object is among your selected objects. Keep in mind that assets you are scattering have to support the adjustment for it to have any effect.

Add Animation

Add an animation preset to any deciduous or coniferous trees. Adjust strength, change preset, turn on/off modifiers, and more to come.

You can also make the animation loop with custom interval.

Biomes for Geo-Scatter

botaniq comes with scatpack file that you can register inside Geo-Scatters Biome Reader and use.

Draw vine

Draw vines on any surface in a matter of seconds - customize them as you wish.

Randomize animation

Offset randomize animation will shift the start and end of botaniq animations, creating a more realistic and natural appearance.

Mute / Unmute Animation

Scatter Assets

Quickly populate the selected object with botaniq asset of your choosing.

Or just use the pre-made particle presets.

Set density per square meter and recalculate if needed.

You can also add selected assets to an active particle system.

Spawn Assets

Each asset has a rendered preview and can be easily added through our addon. By default, the assets are linked, but you can also choose to add them as editable objects or convert them later on.

Add new trees easily

Adding new assets has never been easier. Create your nature scene with just a few clicks by selecting the asset from the library.

Snap to ground

No more floating trees or dragging your trees to ground one by one. Use the Snap to ground button to make sure all your trees are safely planted.

Randomize scale & rotation of selected assets

Nature is varied and random, so although it's unrealistic to have each tree unique, we've added a feature to automatically randomize the selected assets so their rotation and scale differs, giving the appearance of variation.

Convert to editable

Make your selection editable from right inside your scene!


Mediterranean Assets

Grass, Weeds, Flowers


~3 variations for each tree

  • White Fir
  • Himalayan Cedar
  • Cedar
  • Cypress
  • Larch
  • Japanese Larch
  • Spruce
  • Red Spruce
  • Maritime Pine
  • Pine
  • Buddhist Pine
  • Fir
  • Umbrella Pine
  • Yew


~3-6 variations for each tree

  • Maple
  • Buckeye
  • Chestnut
  • Alder
  • Birch
  • Hackberry
  • Lemon
  • Beech
  • Fig
  • Ash
  • Toyon
  • Apple
  • Aspen
  • Cherry
  • Oak
  • Willow
  • Black Locust
  • Linden
  • Elm


  • Areca Palm
  • Basil
  • Aspidistra (Cast Iron Plant)
  • Coriander
  • Dracaena
  • Ficus (Rubber Tree)
  • Hibiscus
  • Monstera
  • Chlorophytum (Spider Plant)
  • Red Hot Chilli Pepper
  • Snake Plant
  • Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily Plant)
  • Tomato Red Robin
  • Zamioculcas (ZZ Plant)
  • Pothos (Devil's Ivy)
  • Rosebush


~3 variations for each shrub

  • Boxwood
  • Sumac
  • Elder
  • Lilac


~3-6 variations for each cacti

  • Saguaro
  • Ball



~3-6 variations for each palm

  • Areca Palm
  • Coconut Palm
  • Pineapple Palm
  • Sabal Palm


~6 variations for each rock

  • Granite
  • Sandstone
  • Limestone
  • Basalt
  • Gabbro
  • Pebbles


  • Pinecones
  • Branches
  • Twigs
  • Aplysina fistularis
  • Lilypads
  • Needles
  • Mushroom Amanita
  • Mushroom Boletus
  • Mushroom Russala

368 textures

(206 diffuse, 162 normal maps)

1024x1024, 2048x2048, 512x2048, 512x4096, ...

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What our users say?


Feel free to join our discord channel about botaniq for support, ideas, or a friendly chat - https://discord.gg/PwWBYy2!


2023/06/07: botaniq 6.8.0 - High & Dry update. Added 53 assets (17 grass, 9 succulents, 11 shrubs, 5 plants, 11 deciduous). Cleaned up and unified material library. Instead of object color custom properties are used to adjust materials meaning assets are now compatible with Geo-Scatter. Added new adjustment option "Hue per Leaf". Added support of adjustments for assets using grass materials. Autumn colors in Season Offset are now bent in more realistic way. Fixed Integrate into Asset browser operator incorrectly reporting failed integration. Minor asset fixes.

2023/01/30: botaniq 6.7 Reworked animations, added animations to all vegetation assets and particle systems. Tag best animation type for each asset. Improve animation performance. Change naming of animation data, add one more uv map and vertex group. Add animation muting, randomize animation, animation baking, operator to change frame looping interval. Added official support for Blender 3.4. Lower display settings in scatter to prevent freezes. Correct scale of Tilia-europaeas trees, albedo fixes. Remove duplicated faces in Pinaster trees (thanks to our Discord user Salvador), fix shader values of roses (thanks to our Discord user HandBanana).

2022/10/21: botaniq 6.6.1 Added a section about custom animation looping to documentation, described usage of object color, fixed bugs.

2022/07/28: botaniq 6.6 Asset Browser support for Blender 3.2 or newer, corrected albedo and scale of basil, tomato, white nettle, and coriander.

2022/06/13: botaniq 6.5 17 assets with 103 variations added, 20 scatter presets added, hue per branch and season adjustment sliders implemented, animation type is now displayed correctly for looping animation, number frames to loop is now shown in the GUI, botaniq panel is not hidden in edit mode anymore, preserve density fixed.

2022/04/12: botaniq 6.4.4 Added official support for Blender 3.1, Fixed an error when using the draw vine feature, Snap to Ground feature out of Beta, Auto Keyframe is turned off after generating ivy, botaniq collections are now colored green, Deleting Particle Systems does not cause deletion of Vertex Group.

2022/1/24: botaniq 6.4.3 Added variations of Dracaena trifasciata, Fixed the 'Randomize variant', Fixed apple distribution and rotation on apple trees, Fixed unconnected nodes in multiple assets, Set diffuse and normal maps to repeat instead of clip

2021/12/24: botaniq 6.4.2 Added official support for Blender 3.0, fixed texture mapping on leaves, Tree_Ficus-carica_C_summer no longer has locked Z scale, adjusted brightness of twigs, added scale slider for each object in the botaniq scatter list, fixed Tree_Populus-tremuloides to be green in summer so it can be yellow in autumn, added info message when trying to use 'Randomize variant' on an editable asset, removed unused materials, fixed bugs

2021/10/12: botaniq 6.4 Added Length vertex group, more complex particle system presets, operator to add selected objects to an active particle system, exposed seed value in botaniq UI, vines functionality to make the stem thicker or thinner, operator to change Display Type for all selected botaniq particle systems, operator to spawn base material with the particle system, loopable animations, operator to control the brightness of linked assets, 55 new assets (Cortaderia-Selloana (6), Mushrooms (9), Aplysina fistularis (4), Corylus shrub (6), Hibiscus (3), Pinecones (5), Rosebush (6), Rose (3), Branches and twigs (7), Leaves (6)) 10 new scatter presets (Autumn leaves, Cut grass, Desert, Coniferous forest debris, Deciduous forest debris, Mixed forest debris, Mushrooms, Coast rocks), Improved botaniq scatter search bar, Improved albedo values, fixed bugs

2021/03/15: botaniq 6.3 - Animations for entire deciduous and coniferous categories - 3 new Eucalyptus trees - 9 new versions of the Hornbeam hedge - 9 new tree saplings; Fixed & improved Convert to Editable operator, Optimized pebbles and decreased their albedo values, Updated Pinus-ponderosa visuals, Fixed bugs and not intended behavior (draw ivy offset)
2021/03/15 botaniq 6.2 Added new feature freehand vine draw and 83 new assets (photoscanned rocks - granite (6), sandstone (6), pebbles (6), garden assets - pergola (4), trellises (14), ferns (8), ivy (33), lilypads (6) and grass presets (4)

2020/12/31: botaniq 6.1 Improved Scatter Assets feature to easily scatter all types of assets, 20 new models (tree Carpinus-betulus(3), tree Aesculus-hippocastanum(3), plant Monstera-variegata(1), shrub Carpinus-betulus(2), shrub Rhododendron(3), new subtype hedge Carpinus-betulus(2), flower Sunflower(6)), duplicate materials of the Flower material so that the viewport colors better represent different flowers, 6.0 Bugfixes

2020/09/23: botaniq 6.0 added Scatter Assets feature and initial models of grass, weeds and flowers (24 particle presets, 6 grass types, 5 weed types, 9 flowers), randomize variant feature, option to spawn asset into botaniq collection

2020/07/01: botaniq 5.4 18 new assets (2 coniferous, 15 deciduous, 1 plant), new feature snap to ground, deciduous material translucency fix, search bar fix, macOS better installation

2020/05/22: botaniq 5.3 Fixed a crash bug on OSX when no IP address is available, Fixed incorrect usage of gamma correction for normal maps, fixed a name clash related to random transform operator.

2020/04/20: botaniq 5.2 New succulents category with 9 models of cacti, 16 new coniferous tree models, added a search bar, fixed "Convert to Editable" to work correctly with 2.82+, fixed automatic install path issues on Mac, fixed the empty square to always be filled with first tree of given category, improved the UI with added icons and fixed some minor issues mostly relating to some material settings.

2020/02/08: botaniq 5.1 Seasonal versions of deciduous and coniferous trees, new shrub and pine variations, installer is now one big .zip file, fixed issues with missing textures and altered some materials, added "Find Missing Files" for botaniq when textures/models are missing and redid most of the naming system to be more consistent for the future.

2019/10/19: botaniq 4.0 added 23 plants, 24 various pots, fixed some albedos and a couple of small issues like missing alpha, improved documentation and button labels + descriptions

2019/08/14: botaniq 3.0 added 26 tropical trees, 3 shrubs, fixed some textures alphas, and a couple of alpha clip settings

2019/07/16: botaniq 2.0 added 15 trees, 6 shrubs, and improved previews with the common English name of given species

2019/07/08: botaniq 1.0 first release with 63 trees

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Trees, palms, shrubs & plants library Botaniq: Trees for Blender 2.8+ Cycles & Eevee

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